Friday 11 February 2022

Membership Secretary - The Return!?

We got an email from El Presidente of Butterfly Conservation to say that the new Membership Secretary has stepped down - after only a few months.  It sounded like it might be a cry for help, so after consultation with Captain B, I nipped into the nearest phone box, put on my butterfly wings and did offer to stand in for a couple of months.  Jess has someone  new in mind to take over, but I am on standby.  So the blockbusting MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY - THE RETURN!! (Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it a very large butterfly?) may be on the cards. I am rather hoping not though.  Anyway, it was an excuse to post one of Col's butterfly pics - a Clouded Yellow.  And of course an excuse for him to say gloomily: "They don't make wings big enough."  

At this rate, I may not be the only one in the household with a missing front tooth. Just saying.

Col's alarm clock went off at 4:00 a.m. on Thursday morning. He catapults out of bed the minute it starts to ring, gets ready, makes us both breakfast - he flies the Coffee Machine - porridge for him, soaked oats for me, with fruit and seeds.  He clears up the breakfast stuff - well not mine as I usually haven't eaten it before he hurtles off.   And I provide the packed lunch of sandwiches and cake, and a cooked meal when he gets in - it was lamb hotpot on Thursday night.

As for the News, what is happening in the world, I do not know what to say about it. So I will let the Bible speak."Know this, that in the last day critical times hard to deal with will be here... Wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse, misleading and being misled." - 2 Timothy 3:1,13

I was thinking of those words - impostors advancing from bad to worse - as we watched the amazing Netflix Documentary "The Puppet Master".  I read Sarah Smith's book "Deceived" about her harrowing experience with the same man many years ago. It is a very brave book.  God's word is a comforting antidote, one much needed after seeing and reading about him, reminding us that when God's Kingdom is ruling over the earth, there will be no more lies, no more cruel deceptions:

Jehovah detests a devious person, but His close friendship is with the upright.​—Prov. 3:32.

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