Tuesday 21 December 2021

The Shearing Shed

On Saturday morning I trekked down to Malcolm for a haircut.  I returned exhausted with a lot less hair, which was the whole point. Malcolm has had his difficulties through our Lockdown.  Captain B had left very early with Jim - 4.30 alarm clock - for his detectorist trip to Who Knows Where.  Somewhere near Salisbury Plain I think. 

We had our Circuit Assembly on Sunday, in Zoom of course.  The theme was: STRENGTHEN YOUR FAITH - which is so timely, in the face of all that is happening - and all that will yet happen as the current wicked system of things on the earth rushes towards its end, doing all it can to take us down with it.  

I took notes as we went along and I am trying to decipher them now. Because I do remember noting down a couple of things I would like to include in my blog. Hmmmm  - did I take notes, or did a bevy of drunken spiders fall into a bottle of ink and rush all over my big notebook?  It's hard to tell.

The photo is of a Cricket Bat Orb-weaver Spider and was, of course, taken by Captain B.  Whether it has ink on its feet or not, I cannot tell.

In the talk FAITH FOLLOWS THE THINGS HEARD, I (or the spiders) made a little note to myself to mention one of the Scriptures in the blog.  It is Romans 10:13,14, which says:  "For everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved. However, how will they call on him if they have not put faith in him?  How, in turn, will they put faith in him about whom they have not heard?  How, in turn, will they hear without someone to preach?"

And one very powerful reason for putting faith in Jehovah is the prophecy in the Bible, so much of which has already been fulfilled, down to the last detail.  But how you can you know that unless someone tells you?  I had an intensive religious education, but knew next to nothing about what the Bible said.  

I hope to include another point or two from the Circuit Assembly in my next blogs.  

Sunday night, having returned from his Treasure Hunting and had his tea (steak pie with veggies), the Captain had to rush into his phone box, don his Lowland Rescue Gear, and fly off to the rescue of someone in trouble in our coastal lowlands.  "Is it a butterfly?  Is it a plane? Or is it CAPTAIN BUTTERFLY fluttering to the rescue?!" Though he had to fly straight back again, as the Misper (Missing Person to you and me) suddenly turned up safe and well at home.  

A happy ending.

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