Friday 3 December 2021

The Cats get their Paws under the Table

The cats' names are Layla and Abra. They are mother and daughter, and they are continuing to settle in judging by the latest bulletin on facebook:

The cats are settling in, spurning anything but the most expensive food, stopping me going to sleep by squawking outside the bedroom door until I let them in, and generally showing signs of getting their feet under the table. Maybe they'll be visible next meeting xxx

We may actually see them at the next Zoom meeting!   By the time we visit, they will be ruling the household with a rod of iron  - clattering in and out through the catflap in the guest bedroom all hours of the night, trampling over us before settling on the bed, and nipping us sharply if we dare to fidget just as they are falling sleep.   Just like old times in fact.

Captain B arranged the family flowers for Janet's funeral next week - we chose a spray that will include lilies.   But, thank God - and also thanks to Nute and Pen - it seems that her cats are settling happily in their lovely new home, which would matter more to her than all the flowers in the world.

The Covid crisis continues, with the new variety already in from South Africa.  However, if this proves to be a milder form, one we can all safely catch and recover from, it could mark the end of the pandemic.  Its too early to tell yet though, and masks have been made compulsory again in most public places.  They are worn in all medical venues as a matter of course now.

Given my front toothless state, that is a bit of a selfish silver lining,

And now its December. Once again I ask, who is shortening these years?  They used to last forever it seemed, now they are gone in a matter of weeks.

Thursday (as I am starting this blog) I have my first physio session which I am dreading. It also means I will have to drive for the first time in over a year as I can no longer walk that far, which is why I need the physio. The idea is to strengthen the muscles in my back, as they cannot give me a replacement spine.  And I should not have been so scared, the physio was lovely and she was very helpful. I now have a series of 3 exercises to do - one of which Captain B will need to help me with.  And I am booked to see her again in January.  

However, here is the thing to hold on to, the promise from our Creator, Jehovah, that he will "make all things new". That includes, of course, our damaged and dying bodies.  Think what Jesus did when he was on the earth, how he healed people.  Wasn't he showing us what he can and will do when he is ruling over the earth as the King of God's Kingdom?

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