Monday 26 November 2018

CHARM of the Masai Mara

Charm, the valiant matriarch of the Masai Mara Marsh lion pride, is in the review news after last night's amazing and harrowing episode of Dynasties - the latest David Attenborough production.

The life of the pride is full of tragedy.

She was forced to abandon her sick cub when he became very ill after taking some poisoned bait left out by the cattle herders..  The male lions have either abandoned the pride, or been killed or been poisoned themselves. She and her sister were the only adults left to care for the cubs - and I think that was the moment when her sister disappeared too - poisoned I guess.   She had to move the pride on, away from the danger of us humans and livestock.   Charm kept visiting and re-visiting her sick cub, but he could not walk.  They parted lingeringly and with such sadness.

All during my youth scientists and biologists kept telling me that animals had no feelings "only instincts".   What is it about "the world and its wisdom" that can make people so blind, because even a child can see that is not true.  The animal creation, which should have been lovingly cared for by us, has suffered and is suffering terribly because of the rebellion in Eden.

How much we all need the coming rescue.  Then, when paradise is restored, earthwide, "the lion will eat straw just like the bull".  There will be no need then for the danger and the violence of hunting and all lions, all animals, will be able to look to us for any help they might need.   They will no longer need to fear we might poison their cubs.

What did become clear is that the press of human population means the Masai Mara is no longer quite the refuge it was meant to be.

How can people and their livestock and wild animals co-exist in the world as it is now?    Would I like to have a lion pride locally?    In theory, there would be plenty for them to eat - think of all us elderly shoppers zimmering along - talk about easy prey. And, lets face it, if they ate me it would save the Health Service a fortune. 

And I would love to look out my window in the morning and see a pride of lions basking on The Green - but it would be deeply upsetting to see the slaughter of the dogs and their walkers that would inevitably follow.

What is the answer?  Only the Kingdom of God will restore the peace that prevailed in Eden.   Has the Kingdom preaching work that Jesus left for his followers to do ever been more urgent?

And I hope to be out with the valiant Jean tomorrow morning, on the door to door work.

I feel as if I have done next to nothing today. I did the shopping for us and Jacks, got lunch and supper for the Captain et moi - veggie soup, baked potato with cheese and baked beans - did my study - we are in Acts at the moment - and a lot of dozing in front of the telly.  And talked to Dan - my young publisher (swamped with toys and a two year old), and my youngest sister Pen.

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