Monday 8 October 2018

Cornering Horses (and Highdown Gardens)

Birch-bark Tree (Tibetan Cherry), Prunus serrula
We went to Highdown Gardens on Friday afternoon, and there were dragonflies on the pond. And a robin sitting on a waterlily leaf.  Very charming.  Very Beatrix Potter..
Southern Hawker male, Aeshna cyanea
A Dragonfly alone seems a splendid argument for creation.  It is more exquisite than the finest Tiffany jewel - and with engineering superior to the latest warplane.   Its beauty and complexity  tell us that it has a Grand Creator.  But to know who the Creator is, we need to study the Inspired Scriptures.
Robin on a lily
And given the predatory nature of the Dragonfly (and I would not care to meet one down a dark alley) we need to read the Bible so we can understand that Jehovah did not make nature "red in tooth and claw", and that He will not leave it this way.

The Autumn sunlight was so beautiful.   We shopped in the morning, and I also did my studying for the Sunday meeting.     Jean and I had a good morning out on the field service on Saturday.  We were neither of us feeling good - especially Jean. But we encouraged each other - and most importantly prayed about it - and out we went.

It cheered us both up.   When I got back I found that a batch of 24 new Butterfly memberships had flown through the letterbox. I gritted my teeth and got them all done - ready to be posted on Monday.

Bea of the North had a long phone chat with Col, which I missed as I was catching up with Vanity Fair and sobbing over the episode where they all go off to war, so confident in their scarlet coats, to face horror.   Spoiler Alert!   Becky is soon going to corner every horse in Brussels and make a fortune from those desperate to escape the approaching armies - while Amelia will soon be praying for the safety of her husband, who is lying dead on the battlefield with a bullet through his heart.

After the meeting today, I had a long chat with a Bible student who comes nearly every Sunday. He is not young, and I can see him drinking the teaching in.  Apparently he said at his last study how much time he had wasted.   And I too wish that I had listened to Jehovah's Witnesses long before I did.

But I hope we will both be so grateful that we did listen - always.

Poor Captain B has had car troubles so we will be using my car until his is out of Car Hospital.

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