Sunday 15 September 2024

Frosted Orange


This splendid Moth, a Frosted Orange, turned up on our balcony last week - a new guest for our Moth Hotel.  I haven't yet managed to find a way to wind him/her into this blog, but there is still time to do so.  

A fb friend posted a dream they had, a dream full of anxious wondering about her brother - why had nobody heard from him, why had nobody contacted him, where was he living?  Only of course to wake up into the world in which he died very young, many years ago.

We do not forget the loss of those we love, as it is a loss that should never have happened. And it reminded me of a dream I had many years ago about my granny, whose rambling cottage and garden was our childhood paradise.

In my dream I found myself back in Nabbs Cottage, knowing that I had not been there for many years, and knowing too that my granny had been dead for many years.  But when I went through to the back kitchen, there she was, making herself a cup of tea.

I saw her as middle-aged in my dream. as she would have been when I first knew her. I asked her why she was there, what she was doing.  She said, sadly and matter-of-factly, that she couldn't think of anywhere else to go after her funeral.

Of course, I do hope to see her again, in the restored earthly paradise... time will tell if me and my gran will be there. 

Saturday was my appointment for what I had thought was for one procedure but turned out to be for another altogether.  The doctor who saw me was as puzzled as I was, as I did not have the worrying symptom that had apparently been ticked by my GP on her list.  I have a strange feeling that somewhere else in the quiet Saturday hospital was another puzzled patient wondering why she was being offered treatment for a symptom she did not have, she having been allocated MY symptom, me having been allocated HERS.

It is all too much of a puzzle, and meant I had to undergo a second - seemingly pointless -  painful (and undignified) examination.  I will wait for my GP to contact me when she gets the report from the hospital and hope that she can sort it all out. I know how relentlessly busy GPs are, and how easily, under those circumstances, a wrong box can be ticked.

What is sad is that as I was given an all-clear, I should be feeling both gratitude and relief. And of course I am relieved. But I had already got my all-clear as far as this was concerned... well I thought I had.  Anyway, if I am getting too much medical attention rather then too little, I ought not to complain about it.

Frosted Orange... still no clever way of weaving this little creature into the fabric of my blog has come to me, so I'll just let it sit there, telling us of the beauty and complexity of the creation.  And I hope it will help me to keep firmly in mind that the Creator, Jehovah, who can make this exquisite creature as well as a universe so immense, so awe-inspiring we cannot get our heads round it, is more than capable of restoring the whole earth to paradise, and us, the children of Adam, to the life and perfection our first parents lost.

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