Monday 9 September 2024

Cobalt Crust, Continuing Flare-up, and Emily

We picked one of Col's Cobalt Crust photos for September in our 2024 calendar, which is fungi based.  I am starting to wonder what the 2025 calendar should be about, if we are going to do one. This kind of fungus reminds me of the underwater world with its amazing, colourful sponges - also much photographed by Captain B.

Maybe a Sponge Calendar?

The balcony was wonderful on Sunday morning before the meeting.  Lots of cloud, very dark on the horizon over the sea, but with the sun coming through above, and shining on the geraniums and me.  I hope that one day I will be able to thank Jehovah for all this from a perfect heart. I hope we all will.

I had to Zoom to the meeting and appear in Pixel form as my right knee was too painful to walk or drive.  And by Monday morning - now - I am in such pain - left foot, right leg, that I have had to cancel my morning appointment with the Clinic for a mysterious jab they want me to have.

The siblings and I had our usual Zoom session - all seems well and we had a lovely chat.  And four more of my books have been bought!  That is good news for a non-best seller like me.

It is a greyish sort of day, not cold, the sort of day I love. apparently being the only person in the world who does not want blazing sunshine every day.  It seems a cruel irony that i spent 25 years living in the desert, given that there are many people out there who would have really appreciated the desert climate.

I am now going to have to correct an earlier opinion about my being the only one who does not love constant sunshine, as I have just found this poem by Emily Bronte:

Fall, Leaves, Fall

Emily Brontë

Fall, leaves, fall; die, flowers, away;
Lengthen night and shorten day;
Every leaf speaks bliss to me
Fluttering from the autumn tree.
I shall smile when wreaths of snow
Blossom where the rose should grow;
I shall sing when night’s decay
Ushers in a drearier day.

I hope she means it.  Maybe I will be able to ask her one day, if we both "inherit the earth", and live forever upon it.

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