Friday morning we were off to collect my new glasses. When I chose my frames, I was veering towards the Kylie Minogue rack- yes, they cost a fortune, bur clearly they were going to make me look exactly like Kylie, so worth every penny. But Captain B, having caught sight of the price, hustled me past to the rack of sensible glasses.
"But I want to look exactly like Kylie!" (Indignant)
"You are lovely as you are." (Soothing)
"As lovely as Kylie?"
"Differently lovely."
Anyway, we went towards the cheaper rack, and I seized on a pair of sort of subKylie specs that I thought looked rather good on me. But they were taken out of my hands by the young girl in charge of us, who directed me firmly to the OldiebutnotveryGoldie section, with a brisk "Those don't fit you, these will be a better fit."
Oh well. I could blame it all on my still missing front tooth, but given that we are all still wearing facemasks when out in public, maybe not.
Saturday was Field Service followed by getting together in our separate groups to work at our letters, get more territory etc. Has the good news of the Kingdom ever been so urgent?
And I had a long phone chat with Bea in the afternoon. We talk to Jacks regularly, but still no chance of a meet up.
Now. Sunday afternoon, I am very glad to have had the meeting this morning with its infinitely comforting Bible based teaching assuring us of the rescue to come, because there was some bad health news from the family and I am not at all sure what is going to happen next.
Our talk this morning was about the days of Noah - and the powerful warning they give for us in our day. The Speaker reminded us of all the evidence for a worldwide flood, which is both geological and historical. And in fact we have never forgotten it to this day, in that a great Feast of the dead - called Halloween in these parts - is held all over the earth on or about the exact day Genesis tells us that Noah and his family entered into the Ark, the door closed behind them, and the Deluge began.
Matthew 24:36-39 was a key scripture, obviously:
“Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father. For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be.For as they were in those days before the Flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark and they took no note until the Flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be."
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