Saturday 18 November 2023


Thursday morning was very rainy - and I began my cake cookery, making the first stage of the fruit cake. You boil up fruit, sugar and other things and then have to leave it to cool before adding the eggs and dry ingredients.  It is for the Elders School next week. Quite a few of us are providing cakes and biscuits for their tea breaks  - while others are making lunch for them. They work so hard caring for us all - plus they have to earn a living and care for their families - so I hope my cakes turn out really well.   That is, I hope they are tasty. They never look all that wonderful.

I made the second batch of marmalade muffins in the early hours of Saturday morning, as I couldn't sleep and I decided I might as well do something useful.  We tested one - half each - with our lunch.  A very early lunch as we had to get to the AGM.

I dare not let a cake go out untested since the Great Rhubarb Crumble Disaster of 2023 when I used salt instead of sugar in the crumble.  Mind you, it wasn't me who put a large unmarked bag of salt in the cupboard where I keep the sugar...

Today was the AGM of Sussex Butterfly Conservation, where we met up with some old friends, had tea and - cake again. A very small piece for me, as I should not be having cake at all.

And then Cake Saturation Point was reached when we won a Butterfly madeira cake in the raffle!  It is beautifully decorated with sugar butterflies.  So I will donate it tomorrow when I take my homemade offerings to the Kingdom Hall.  "Here is one I made earlier" I could say as I hand the exquisite creation over. But given that Jehovah is the God of truth and straightforwardness, I had better not.

The News is so awful that I watch and read little beyond the headlines.  Brother killing brother the world over, as the disaster set in train in Eden heads to its climax - and, thank God, to its end.

This is the darkest hour before the dawn. And it will be such a wonderful dawn when it comes.  Our elders will be learning how to care for us as the troubles intensify. And, I hope, they will be enjoying all the food we, their grateful congregation, have made for them.

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