Sunday 19 June 2022

Shaken and Stirred

On Friday, while Col was out, I had a fall.  In the bedroom, falling backwards into my Zimmer. Had I fallen forwards into it I could have saved myself.  The Captain came back to find me stranded.  

I have no kneecaps now, and one duff shoulder (not very successful implant) and one arthritic shoulder.  Trying to pull myself up, even with help, is a nightmare.  But we did it.  And believe me I prayed to Jehovah for help.

I am rather shaken.  When you fall when you are seven years old, you just spring up again.  When you are seventy and then some, you don't.  I am sore and bruised and still a bit shaky.  And Col has been reminiscing about the Galapagos Islands (off which he dove many years ago) and its giant turtles which sometimes get stranded helplessly upside down.


How much I am looking forward to the moment when Jehovah makes all things new.  I am urgently in need of a brand new body - and, child of Adam that I am, have never had a perfect body anyway.

On Wednesday, I met up with the Dental Surgeon. I had hoped we would not have to meet again - nothing personal, he is a nice guy.  But my tooth fell out.  It has been glued back in again, hopefully to stay put this time.  It did at least time its fall well as it was on the afternoon he visits. And he is much more expert at these things than my dentist.

Anyway, it does make me glad my travelling days are over.  I don't fancy my teeth falling out mid-flight.

Karen came yesterday. It was great to see her and to catch up. Her parents, good friends from our expat days, were so lovely.  For some years it almost felt as if we lived at their house we were over there so much.

She took a copy of my book "Waiting for Gordo" with her, as her parents are included in the dedication, which is as follows:

"This book is dedicated to Colin and to the Aramco Shoal with whom I spent many happy small island holidays - none of which, thankfully, turned out as this one does..."

I dove the barrier reef once with Col, Chuck and Mary - them in scuba, me in a submersible.  They emerged freezing cold, not having seen much - and I emerged warm and dry, having seen loads.

I am still dazed from my fall - and other symptoms have appeared, which I will leave out of the blog (under the "too much info" rule).  So Col took Karen to Arundel Castle after lunch. I recommended both Rose Garden and Chapel. And she loved both. 

And she saw the tomb that inspired that Philip Larkin poem "An Arundel Tomb".  I have sent her the poem and link, as she did not know it.

It is a bit of a fairytale castle altogether.  Karen said the scent in the rose garden was wonderful.   

I have been in the rose garden there, but never at rose time.  I have been when the tulips were out though, and you can see the glory of tulip time at this blogpost:

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