Tuesday 22 June 2021


We had a Lime Hawk-moth on the balcony this morning - a most impressive creature.  Had it been any larger I would have been out on the The Green warning all mothers of small children to keep their littl'uns out of range.   Col is just stepping inside now, his Moth Hotel clutched under his arm, and who knows what will be revealed...  and will be filmed.

And do I see a Hollywood style movie coming up - MOTH!!! maybe - in which moths take the villainous place that the poor old sharks were given in the JAWS movies?  Hordes of evil moths will terrorise a load of stereotypes in our seaside town.  One local villain - laughing evilly and twirling his moustachios - will refuse to cancel the annual Carpet Festival because he wants to make even more money for his Mothball shop. He will get his comeuppance at the end in a harrowing scene where all the carpets in his house are eaten by a battalion of carpet moths.

I don't think this is blockbusting material somehow.   The only thing that might attract Hollywood to it is that there would be loads of nudity as the moths would have eaten all our clothes.   However, would the sight of all us retirees, tottering about on our zimmer frames, not a stitch on, all carping about how we were catching our deaths of cold and going into interminable soliloquies about our arthritis meds be the right sort of nudity, the sort that Hollywood requires? 

What have I been doing, beyond lying on the sofa dozing and thinking up ridiculous ideas for movies.  I rarely ever even watch a movie these days.  Col had one on the other night. It had the one who isn't Bruce Willis in it - Tom Cruise I think.  It drove me off my sofa after about 10 minutes. I simply could not watch or listen to it.  

On Saturday and Sunday mornings I attended the meetings. And what a lifesaver they are.  An oasis of sanity in an ocean of madness.

The subject of the public talk was a vitally (literally) important one:  Is there a True Religion from God's Standpoint?  And yesterday I got together with my partner (by phone) for our upcoming talk - her talk not mine - as we worked out how to accomplish study no.9: Appropriate Use of Visual Aids while in Zoom.

As I will probably blog our talk outline at some stage, you will be able to judge it for yourselves. If you wish.  We are working round a lovely promise found at Isaiah 55:10,11

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to your Blog talk outline...Look at the Big Picture - Is 55:9
