Saturday 22 June 2019

Dorothy of South Island - and Tony Harrison

Its shaping up for a busy weekend. Dorothy arrives lunchtime today, to stop for a night en route to... I have lost track of her immense travels... but somewhere exciting... possibly to visit new granddaughter, somewhere on the Continent.   I am taking Jean out this morning - we hope to be delivering more Invites.  Then tomorrow afternoon after Dorothy has left, there is a "do" on at Jane's.  I am taking wine.  But won't be drinking it myself as I shall be the designated driver for Jean and me.

Yesterday was busy too.   Out on the Field Service in the morning, doing returns. Then a big shop in the afternoon, for both us and Jacks. She can't even get to the corner shop at the moment.

Then cleaning out the fridge, and sorting out my bathroom for Dorothy. Went to bed exhausted.  Not that it takes much these days.  And then couldn't sleep...

Its now late Saturday morning.  We had a good morning on the doors and now await Dorothy  Jacks will join us tonight for a chicken dinner, IF she feels equal to an outing.

I have got out my book of Tony Harrison poems - have been sharing a couple on the internet.  In my far off Uni days he was the Poetry Fellow.  To me, fresh from my Convent school, he was a very glamorous figure, and I never dared actually speak to him, but I went to his readings and have been a fan of his poetry ever since.

So here is a small Tony Harrison:

Social Mobility

Ah, the proved advantages of scholarship!
Whereas his dad took cold tea for his snap,
he slaves at nuances, knows at just one sip
Chateau Lafite from Chateau Neuf du Pape.

Another title for this poem could be "The Wisdom of The World"

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