Saturday 21 September 2024

The Gallant Moths Fly On

Moth Season continues on our balcony - and above are some of our recent guests: 3 Dusty Thorns and a Dewick's Pluvia.   I hope they have given our moth hotel a good review on TripAdvisor.  They are photographed by Captain Butterfly of course, not me.  I doubt that photos of my lens cap, or my thumb (with an oddly tilted English Channel behind it) would be of much interest.

The little creatures go about their business as best they can in this lost paradise, with all sorts of confusing lights in the night to mislead them. They are gallant soldiers indeed.

In the meantime, we, the human family, have just devised a new form of warfare, a new way to hurt and kill each other (and any other little creatures that happen to be in the way).  Pagers and suchlike devices have been sabotaged and are exploding all over the Lebanon.  The particularly cruel thing about this is that they are often being held by hand and to the face when they explode.

We all have these devices in our homes... how many more of them have been booby trapped... and what is going to happen if one goes off on a plane?

The world becomes more dangerous by the minute.  Both sides in the conflict that has taken technological warfare to another low, are doing terrible things, and both are ignoring what our Creator is so clearly telling us.

In horrid harmony with this, the News on Thursday was talking about the issue of workplace violence - just how much of it our service providers are now facing.  And that includes fractured skulls and broken bones!  One BT engineer reported that he was kneeling down trying to fix and restore peoples internet (I assume), when he looked up to find a lady looming over him with a hammer in her hand, about to strike him down.

Satan, the ruler of the present wicked system of things on the earth, is setting brother against brother, sister against sister, with ever increasing success.

What will protect us from getting swept up in it and turning on each other?  Our Creator, Jehovah, will IF we turn to him and let him teach us.

This is the fruitage of God's spirit:  "the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control. Against such things there is no law." - Galatians 5:22,23

We need all these qualities to endure until the end of the current wicked system on the earth, and we need a strong faith in Jehovah's promises that all the hatred and violence will soon come to an end, and paradise will be restored earthwide.

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