Tuesday 24 September 2024

Sugar Daddy Hunt

While browsing some 60 Minutes Doccos on YouTube I came across this one:  SUGAR DADDY HUNT, WHEN YOUNG WOMEN CHASE RICH OLD MEN.

I wondered aloud if I had left it too late for such a lucrative career.

 "I'd say so." said Captain B. 

"But, on the other hand, I might be OK, given how bad their eyesight would be," I mused.

 "It'd have to be really bad!" said Captain B, putting paid to my career aspirations.

And a good thing too when I think of what money cannot buy.  We are doing a lot of balcony sitting these days watching the sunsets - see the pic above, for example.  And we spent Friday night talking about old times, our travelling days, and occasionally holding hands over the geraniums.  No matter how rich the terminally short-sighted elderly billionaire who fell for my charms might be, no matter how many jewel-encrusted solid gold zimmers he promised to buy me, he could not share all these memories with me.

Col and I were talking about our trip to Scotland, to that amazing old hotel at Durness; seeing the Milky Way in the Tasmanian sky - such clear clear skies  there, the next stop being the shimmering ice of the empty Antarctic. And he knew and remembers my parents and I knew and remember his, Ron and Eileen, my in-laws.

You can't buy that fifty plus years of shared memories.  And it makes me wonder what 500 years of shared memories will be, 5,000 years?  We will have so much to talk over then as we sit watching the sun set.  That is what I hope we will have, as it is the hope the Bible holds out.

And talking of 50 plus years of marriage, we are certainly in the Medical Stage.  One of us is always having to take our blood pressure for our GP. This week its me.

Oh dear. But I am indeed very grateful to be here still, and we have the Circuit Overseer week coming up, starting today, which is something to look forward to.  

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