Saturday 8 December 2018

A Perpetual Motion Machine

Yesterday everything was in shades of grey, lots of rain, with splendid waves on The Channel

The Channel is a perfect perpetual motion machine, turned by the Universe.   We can see the work of the Grand Creator, Jehovah, in the power and the beauty of its endless waves.   We can see his work everywhere in spite of living in a fallen world.  And, appropriately enough, at the Hall Thursday night, we were studying the account of Jesus calming the storm.

As King of Jehovah's Kingdom, Jesus will bring the natural forces on the earth back into the perfect harmony they had in Eden.   His Kingdom government will achieve what no human government, with the best will in the world, can.

We went out and did our shopping during a temporary pause in the rain. And I did my Watchtower study for Sunday.   Apart from that I can't think what I did.    And now its Saturday and I am off with the valiant Jean - as Col has decided not to go on his Detectoring today.  So he will supervise the Young Man Who Will (hopefully) Fix Our Door.

The morning was cold, but sunny and with that low Winter sun that makes everything look wonderful.  We did return visits - lots of them - drove all over the place - and then had a sandwich lunch at the Hall, and watched the Broadcast.

At 42.16 there is a powerful and touching talk which references the experiences of our brothers who were imprisoned in Sachsenhausen.

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