Col picked me up from the Kingdom Hall on Thursday night and rushed me off home at the speed of light - well, at the speed of an elderly lightbeam zimmering slowly through the universe. Another bad night on Friday/Saturday. That is par for the course nowadays and seems unlikely to change, well not this side of Armageddon anyway.
I am now so sleep deprived that I am wondering about trying that anti-depressant again... it's my age really I guess. I am now nearer eighty than I am seventy. And that is old. Yet how quickly it has gone.
I have decided to cheer myself up by choosing a couple of flower pictures to head the blog. The first is one Col took in NZ - so many years ago - of a fuschia growing wild. Fuschia was one of my mother's favourite flowers. It grew all over Cornwall where she spent her childhood summers. And the second is Thrift, which I associate with my own early childhood summers in Cornwall.
That has reminded me of the flower called Honesty, which I loved to have in our garden, when we had a garden. We just have a sea facing balcony now and a blaze of geraniums. Thrift also thrives there of course. My mum-in-law Eileen liked Honesty too - and Iceplant - both of which she had in her London garden.
So many layers of memories - so how will it be to have hundreds and hundreds of years of memories behind me - and all of them so happy?
Monday was a double Zoom session, one with my congregation sisters and one with my siblings. All seems well with all of us, thank God. I now have requests for more Not Home letters, I need to continue to send invites to the block of flats I was given, and start my study for the week - plus think about how to do my part in the School next week. So, thanks to Jehovah, I have a lot of positive things to take my mind off my medical miseries.