Wednesday 16 October 2024

Northern Lights

My correspondence with Krysia is bringing back many memories of our mutual convent schooldays.  The Convent schoolgirl me is in the Pic above, middle row, left, next to Sheila and Rosemary, who were cousins

Sheila, alas, is no more, and Rosemary has lived in NZ for many years.

We - my siblings and me and Krysia - were in different years, but all overlapping.  They were not very happy years for any of us, but I am hoping to persuade Krysia to read Karen Armstrong's Through the Narrow Gate as it really does explain the system that formed those nuns - so cold, and so critical.

But there again, two central doctrines of Christendom are The Trinity, and the Immortality of the Soul, neither of which is a Christian teaching.  And its symbol is the cross, which is not a Christian symbol. 

So the nuns cannot have been having a happy time either.  They lived 24/7 in this cold critical atmosphere.  We had loving parents to escape to.  Of course, not all children did, sadly. But some, hopefully, were happy enough at school, negotiating the system with ease, and not letting it get to them.

These negotiations are just not possible for aspergery children as people are such a puzzle to us. And I never felt I quite understood what was going on, from Day 1 to the  Last School Day.  

Well, I bear in mind that when God gave the Law to the Israelites and organised them and their society, he did not jam children together in large peer groups to be taught.  Children were taught first and foremostly by their parents.  God is the very source of wisdom, and takes educating us very seriously indeed, so he knows just how it should be done. But Jehovah teaches us so kindly and patiently.

The Northern Lights have been appearing in Sussex!  We have not seen them yet, but I hope we will.  What a universe it is we float along in - vast beyond human comprehension, and so beautiful.

And then, when you look down, there is the detail of every Autumn leaf - each one so lovely, no two alike.  Each one a work of art.

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