Tuesday 30 April 2024

The Muslin Moth


This little fellow turned up on our balcony wall on Friday morning. Its called a Muslin Moth. I might have called it the Midnight Cloak, or the Autumn Cloak, had I been the one naming it.  Either it didn't stay long, or the visiting magpie ate it. I hope it was not the latter.

But nature will be "red in tooth and claw" until the Kingdom of God restores the peace that prevailed in Eden earthwide.  And that is something no human government can ever achieve, no matter how well-intentioned.

April continues cold - often sunny, sometimes rainy. We woke up on Saturday morning to a very calm blue Channel and a cloudy sky.  And, even though it was Saturday, the Captain was not going metal detecting today - Wait!  Hold the Presses for the Sensational Headline: CAPTAIN B DID NOT GO METAL DETECTING ON SATURDAY!!!!!

Clearly that should have been my blog heading... I will never make a tabloid journalist. 

And he did not go a'detectoring on Sunday either!  Oops, there goes another exclamation mark.  And, as it was raining, he offered to chauffeur me to the Hall and back, an offer I gratefully accepted.  

The brother giving the Public Talk reminded us that Jehovah is "the God of all comfort", and that one of the ways he comforts us and allows us to comfort others is by gathering us into his congregation, a worldwide family. 

He used the illustration of the Emperor Penguins, who survive the extreme  cold of the Antarctic in two ways: firstly their amazing double coat of feathers, and secondly the famous Huddle, in which they all huddle together, taking it in turns to move from the outside to the inside, so all get a turn in the warm.  Which could be said to put some of us children of Adam to shame, given that the gap between rich and poor seems to grow wider by the day.

Monday was another medical sort of day - hospital appointment for Himself in the morning, and our latest covid vax in the afternoon.

On the doubleplusgood side, it is the Circuit Overseer visit this week, so we will be getting lots of encouragement - lots of comfort.  In the face of the continuing horrors on the News we need this so much.

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