Thursday 6 August 2020


I thought I would blog a few highlights from the Saturday morning of the Always Rejoice! Convention which I attended on Sunday in our kitchen.

The Saturday morning session was all about how to find joy in the disciple making work that Jesus left for his followers to do.   A key point was that a skilled worker finds joy in his work. so we need to accept all of Jehovah's help in becoming skilled teachers of his word.  The more skilled we are, the more joy we will find.

As Psalm 40:8 says:  "To do your will, O my God, is my delight, And your law is deep within me".

Six Essential Skills in the art of making disciples were discussed:
* Asking questions
* Unleashing the power of God's word
* Illustrating key points
* Teaching with enthusiasm
* Showing empathy
* Reaching the heart

And what has more power to reach the heart than God's inspired word?     As Hebrews 4:12 tells us:  "For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints from the marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart."

Everything we teach must be based on the powerful, living word of God.  So I will remind you that the Conventions are available on this link... nope, can't understand how to work the link on this new blog format. It was easy in the old one. So they are available on - search under "Always Rejoice!" 2020 Convention.

Tuesday - field service group via Zoom - talking about patience - Zoom with the family - joined this time by Jo, Alec, Nadine and the little girls.  I cleaned the fridge, and made a small batch of marmalade muffins (I was short of butter) - plus did my studying while getting my morning dose of balcony sun.  Wednesday - supermarket delivery first thing - then Col off to get his camera fixed - it broke yesterday (think: Bear with sore head) - plus sun and studying on the balcony -  and making the fresh berrry fruit salad we usually have with our pizza on Delivery Day.

There has been a terrible explosion in the Lebanon - at least a hundred dead and many many casualties... they have gone through so much already.  It does not appear to be a terrorist attack, just a tragic accident.  I wonder about my brothers and sisters there. The pictures are devastating.  Its like a scene from the wake of WW2.

I had my first telephone appointment with the doctor's surgery. The nurse is happy with my blood sugar results. And I am sitting here now waiting for what is supposed to be a call from Rheumotology.  Given they cancelled and re-arranged my appointment 4 times, and on the last re-arrangement there was a lot of confusion as to whether it was to be in hospital or by telephone... I was just typing this worrying that they were expecting me at the hospital when the phone rang - a new doctor - we had a chat - he said he needs to see me - and will book me an appointment with the Nurses clinic.

My main hope was to try to get some pain killing that actually works.  But he says I will have to talk to my GP about it. I know there isn't much chance really, as I think only morphine would touch the pain of an arthritis flareup and they are sparing with that even in hospitals in the wake of major ops.

There is so much wrong with me now that most of my appointment was spent going through all my conditions and my medicines...  which is rather depressing to say the least.

Thank Goodness we have a congregation Zoom meeting tonight. I need to be encouraged and cheered up and reminded of the wonderful hope ahead.

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