Saturday 30 June 2018

Be Courageous!

The 2018 Convention is entitled "Be Courageous!"  We live in difficult and dangerous times - and we need to trust in our Creator, Jehovah, with all our heart.

Our courage must come from him - if it is to hold.

We prayed for our Russian brothers and sisters who are going through so much at the moment.

There was a short video that someone had filmed of a Kingdom Hall in Russia being raided by what looked like soldiers, or a sort of para-military police force. The brothers and sisters were all keeping very calm. But how truly frightening - felt quite tearful by the end.  Christians in Russia have gone through so much. But I know that Jehovah will support them - and that they could not have a better Supporter.

And something else I took from yesterday was to pray for more faith, as well as for more courage.  The two are so strongly tied together.  So I must pray for the faith and courage of my Russian siblings to remain strong.

Neither Jean nor I can cope with going today, but we hope to be there tomorrow,for the Sunday session. Another early start...

I hope this hasn't been a failure of courage on my part.  Its different for Jean, she is older and frailer. But I very much want to be there tomorrow, and two days on the trot re likely to precipitate an arthritis flare-up that will knock me out for much of next week.

Captain B kindly chauffered me to the congregation bus and back so that I didn't have to worry about parking - or have to leave quite so early.

We have some exciting talks coming up tomorrow - plus a video drama about Jonah.   The Society's videos are so professional, and are all angled to helping us understand what the Bible really teaches, how to apply that teaching in our lives, and how to teach others.

And has it ever been more urgent that people hear the good news of the Kingdom of God?  How much time is left before Jehovah acts to "bring to ruin those ruining the earth"?   We are all in "the valley of decision" here.

And above all what is ahead is so wonderful. There will be more happiness for us, here, on the earth, than we can now imagine, under the loving rulership of the heavenly Kingdom.

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