Winter has iced the cars,
it's frosted The Green,
it's steeled sky and sea,
and it's frosted me.
In my personal midwinter
my car Badge is Blue.
And that, poem-wise,
is the best I can do.
Its not really a poem, I think, more of a verse. But it does have its metaphor, in that I can no longer tell myself I am in the Autumn of my life. It is definitely Winter for me now. And in acknowledgment of that, I have a Blue Badge for my car, which allows me to park in disabled parking spaces. And, as noted in a previous blog, it has already come in handy.
While I hope to "inherit the earth" and live forever on this lovely planet, as the Bible promises, I do not know whether, IF I do, I might live to see - and be protected through! - Armageddon, or whether I will have to come the long way round, via the resurrection.
Either way it will be so wonderful to be there. No more health concerns... that alone will be miraculous. And as it as "undeserved kindness" we all have grounds for hope that we will be there. It is a real hope.
The poor Captain had yet another trip to the Clinic. We were looking over our medical appointments... there are a lot of them. It is Winter, Winter, Winter.
The Zoom Session with my siblings was transferred to Tuesday, as Nute was working. All seems well. I was talking about how much I enjoyed the book Nute gave me, "The Salt Path", by Raynor Winn. It is such a page-turner. It begins with the author and her husband hiding under the stairs of their farmhouse as the bailiffs, who have come to evict them, are knocking at the door.
They are 50 years old, and are about to lose their home, and their only means of livelihood. Their savings have gone, trying to fight what does sound like a very unjust court case. And then... anyway, all I can say is read the book.
This morning I have to conduct a Bible study with the lady of the flowers. Jean and I called on her and her husband for many years. And suddenly she has decided she would like to look into the Bible. Another sister is kindly chauffering me. I feel so inadequate to do this, even though I have been having the best teaching and training in the world for the last 30 years - well more like 35 years now! How did that extra 5 years suddenly hurtle past?
But I am so much not a people person. Lockdown was wonderful for me, I have to admit. So I have been having anxiety dreams all night - and feel even more tired than usual.
All I have to do though is my best, however pathetic that is, and leave the rest to Jehovah. He does all the really hard work. And the sister I am with is very competent and it will be so reassuring to have her with me. I am very grateful for that.